The institut für zukünfte (ifz) consists of different people with common ideas about possible desirable futures. The self-conception as global citizens promotes a global coexistence of people, animals and plants, a coexistence worth living in and mutual appreciation. A systemic way of thinking and the recognition of complexity accompany our actions.
The institut für zukünfte (ifz) consists of different people with common ideas about possible desirable futures. The self-conception as global citizens promotes a global coexistence of people, animals and plants, a coexistence worth living in and mutual appreciation. A systemic way of thinking and the recognition of complexity accompany our actions.
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The institut für zukünfte (ifz) consists of different people with common ideas about possible desirable futures. The self-conception as global citizens promotes a global coexistence of people, animals and plants, a coexistence worth living in and mutual appreciation. A systemic way of thinking and the recognition of complexity accompany our actions.
DE45 2695 1311 0162 1000 51
Sparkasse Wolfsburg
Paypal: hallo@institutfuerzukuenfte.de
The institut für zukünfte (ifz) consists of different people with common ideas about possible desirable futures. The self-conception as global citizens promotes a global coexistence of people, animals and plants, a coexistence worth living in and mutual appreciation. A systemic way of thinking and the recognition of complexity accompany our actions.
The institut für zukünfte (ifz) consists of different people with common ideas about possible desirable futures. The self-conception as global citizens promotes a global coexistence of people, animals and plants, a coexistence worth living in and mutual appreciation. A systemic way of thinking and the recognition of complexity accompany our actions.